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We are thrilled to announce that the MRS Cube is now available for purchase! Designed to streamline plate image capture and analysis, the MRS Cube combines cutting-edge hardware and intelligent software to provide accurate plate counts and initial growth identification. Here’s why you should be excited: Plate Imaging and AI Integration: Our mission is to enhance the artificial intelligence (AI) technology behind the MRS Cube. By capturing more photographs, we can further train th...
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Published by: WJPS

At WJP Software Limite we have been busy purchasing a company we work with alot, called ActiveCouncil. Active Council was originally part of Objenix Ltd, and provided us with domain names for many of our websites. Along with purchasing their existing contacts we also were able to become a JISC domain registrar, allowing us to purchase and register domains, and become part of the BETA program (more news on this to come soon). Using ActiveCouncil as a name we have been able to p...
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Published by: WJPS

In a dynamic leap towards more effective local governance, our Web Communication System (WCS) has recently undergone a transformative update that promises to redefine the way local councils engage with their communities. This groundbreaking enhancement is poised to revolutionise the role of council websites from mere repositories of minutes and agendas to vibrant hubs of vital information, starting with a seamless display of planning applications—an indispensable component of any council&#...
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Published by: WJPS

There are many aspects of digital technology that could take their toll on the Environment. This World Environment Day we are going through what these things are, and what can be done to minimise their impact.  Environmental Impact of Digital Technology     1. Energy Consumption: The use of digital devices and the overall IT infrastructure requires energy. This energy consumption contributes to carbon emissions and can have a negative impact on the environm...
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Published by: WJPS

It's Creativity Day (well, maybe only in America), but we are taking this opportunity to give you some reasons why you should use the Blogging / News Story feature on your website! There are many reasons to take advantage of the blog feature on your website- not only does frequent posting boost Search Engine Optimisation, it also helps your site visitors see that you are active on your site, as well as gives you a creative outlet, what more could you want?  It is important to ...
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Published by: WJPS

Over the years we have written our fair-share of Accessibility advice, News Stories, How-to's, and more- Why? Because people have a diverse range of hearing, sight, movement, and cognitive ability, so the goal of web accessibility is to make sure everyone can easily find what they need online. When web accessibility is not done well, it causes feelings of exclusion. It is important to have accessibility and inclusion as a priority. The Internet is a fantastic tool, an...
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Published by: WJPS

As we reach the halfway point of Mental Health Awareness Week, it’s important to acknowledge the significance of prioritising our mental well-being.  Although the advancement of technology can cause worry for many people, the rapidly advancing digital world has produced some exciting AI technology to support and improve mental health in a variety of ways. From stress reduction and promoting self-care to enhancing overall mental well-being, AI tools may become valuable in helping yo...
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Published by: WJPS

Passwords are the base level of protection for your accounts and devices from cyber attacks such as hacking, phishing, and identity theft, keeping your information safe. With a strong password, you can protect your accounts from unauthorised access and prevent sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands. Without a strong password, anyone can gain access to your online accounts and personal information, including your banking and credit card details, photos and videos, ...
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Published by: WJPS

Our 2023 National MRS User Group was a great success, we had some beneficial conversations, a lively open forum and some fantastic suggestions from clients.  We started the day with a quick road map of where we envisioned MRS going, and welcomed lots of input from those using MRS. This was followed this with a demo of MRS Web, during which we answered some queries as to how it worked and how users could make the most of it, as well as going through some newly added features. Th...
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Published by: WJPS

Meet Ash!

Tell us about yourself! I’m Ash, I recently graduated from NorthCoders coding bootcamp, training to be a full stack developer.  Immediately before taking this turn in my career, I was working in hospitality at a lovely pub called “The Fox and Rabbit”.  That was filling whilst I recovered from many setbacks on the route to a teaching career.  It seems that coding is the right choice for me, it suits me and I believe I suit it.  Outside of work, I enj...
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Published by: WJPS

Backups are crucial for data protection. A regular data backup can help you avoid data loss from systemic rashes, hacks, malware, corruption and other issues that can result in data loss. According to HostingTribunal 2 out of 3 midsize companies were affected by Ransomware in the past 18 months, each week, 140,000 hard drive failures occur, 60% of businesses that suffer a data loss event within six months will close down, and 93% of companies that experience a major data loss...
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Published by: WJPS

Job Share 3 days per week (Wed/Thurs/Fri) £10.53 per hour An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Customer Support Advisor to work 3 days per week on a job share basis. We are a small progressive Software Development and Consultancy Company based in Bedale and specialise in writing software for NHS, private healthcare, and public sector organisations. We are seeking someone special to join us as we expand further and develop new opportunities.  Ideally you are a competen...
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Published by: WJPS

Over the years we have written our fair share of Accessibility advice, News Stories, How-to's and more, so we have compiled as much useful information and advice about Accessibility as we can.  In recent years Accessibility Guidelines have changed, and there are now guidelines for Local Councils and other similar authorities to follow.  People have a diverse range of hearing, sight, movement, and cognitive ability, so the goal of web accessibility is to make sure everyon...
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Published by: WJPS

Bedale Community Library (BCL) approached WJPS in December 2022 looking for a full site overhaul from our Web Consultation Service. Their site is primerily for updating Library users and Bedale residents of any classes, services they provide, and events they are holding. They also need their website to advertise vacancies and display information about how the Library runs, and how to donate or become a Friend of the Library. They felt that their site was not as easy to navigate as it...
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Published by: WJPS

The SLCC publish a bi-monthly magazine, 'The Clerk', which contains useful information, advice, experiences of SLCC members across the UK, related advertisements and more.  We were featured in the January 2023 edition of The Clerk, advertising our WCS Council websites.  Our WCS sites are specially built and designed to help councils of all sizes easily update and edit their sites, and stay compliant with accessibility guidelines. We are committe...
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Published by: WJPS

The team here at WJPS are excited to announce that we have been nominated for an award at the Hambleton District Councils Business Awards, for the Microbusiness category. Our work with NHS Trusts all over the UK, Local Government, Charities & Organisations has been taken into consideration and we have been nominated for the Microbusiness award, along with two other Hambleton based businesses.  We are very proud of this nomination, as we are a small team making our mark in some...
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Published by: WJPS

  On the 19th of April we are running a National MRS User Group in Birmingham! After our last User Group was held virtually, we are looking forward to seeing our MRS Clients in person again. Throughout the day we will focus on the future direction of MRS and what we can do to make sure the software increases efficiency and workflow in the labs. There will be time for open discussions about new features and ways we can help labs reach their maximum efficiency. There will be conv...
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Published by: WJPS

  2022 saw lots of exciting new developments for WJPS. We launched new features for both MRS and WCS, welcomed new customers, launched a new service, and took part some great conferences and events.  What a year it has been. We have made lots of progress this year on both sides of the business, and are looking forward to carrying this on through 2023. It has been a year of firsts- our first business website launch, first sixth form Work Experience Student, and our fir...
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Published by: WJPS

Ingleby Arncliffe Parish Council approached WJPS mid 2022, after some concerns arose that their old site did not comply with accessibility guidelines, and was hard to both navigate and update. Their site was well populated and often used and updated, but it seemed the more that was done on the site, the more difficult it got to use. Their old site was designed on Weebly, and like many other Councils, had run into many issues using software that is not pur...
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Published by: WJPS

On the 13th of December, the WJPS team had our Christmas meal and activity afternoon.  Last year we had a platter from The Sprouted Kitchen on The Bridge, and it was so nice that we did the same again this year, consisting of sandwiches, an array of salads, sausage rolls and some delicious vegan options, including some rainbow wraps.  After our lunch, we got into teams to do a quiz that James had created. There were three rounds, the first being general knowledge, the ...
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Published by: WJPS

  As we have for the last few years, we have chosen to swap sending out Christmas cards out to each of our clients, thanking them for working with us throughout the year, for a donation to the Northallertons Friarage Hospitals Rutson Unit. This money will not only go towards helping the unit continue it's fantastic work, but it will also help the environment by cutting down on paper use, and petrol! This year, as we did last year,&n...
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Published by: WJPS

  Councils of all sizes are now expected to have a website with a .GOV.UK domain name, and with this comes guidelines to comply with.  In their FAQs, the SLCC state that  "All parish, town, borough and city councils need a compliant WCAG 2.1 AA rated website since September 23rd, 2020."   Quick overview of these guidelines: A WCAG 2.1 AA+ compliant website. An Accessibility Policy Statement available on the site. A process to regula...
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Published by: WJPS

On Thursday 17th November James and Toby visited Ainderby Steeple School with the objective of teaching the upper key stage 2 students some basic coding skills for web development. The students were taught the basics of HTML and CSS, and got the opportunity to use it in practice throughout the lesson.  To start with, the pupils were taught some simple HTML & CSS skills, like how to add headings, links, change the colours of the text and backgrounds, and adding images. ...
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Published by: WJPS

Some people may think that Cyber Security is not something they need to think about. There are many reasons an individual or business may brush off cyber security measures: They believe their business is not big enough to be a target They may feel insignificant, asking "why would they target me?" They may believe these measures come built in to the software they use Or they have never been hacked before, so question why they should bother introducing security measure...
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Published by: WJPS

Our galleries feature allows you to add a gallery of images to a page in an accessible and compliant way. This feature also auto updates if you add or remove images, so you don't have to do it on each individual page, saving you time.  As of a recent WCS update there is now a new way to display these images on a page. You can now display your images in grid form, in the style of Instagram, so all images are displayed on the page, with the ability to enlarge them!  This ne...
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Published by: WJPS

On Wednesday, the team headed out to C4DI Northallerton for an away day.  C4DI is a brand new space for businesses to book out meeting rooms or offices and build connections. Along with Hambleton District Council have converted the old woman's wing of the old site of Northallerton Prison into meeting spaces, offices and work stations for businesses in the area to use. When we arrived we were taken on a tour of the building, which mixes the new upgrades with the orig...
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Published by: WJPS

Here at WJP Software Limited we are committed to data security, therefore we are pleased to announce that we have retained our Cyber Essentials Certification for our infrastructure and hosted services. Our Cyber Essentials Certification, alongside our ISO:27001 Information Security, goes to show that we are fully devoted to data security. Managing Director, James Proctor said ‘we have always worked hard to ensure WJPS and all systems comply with the latest data security processe...
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Published by: WJPS

What are the risks? Phishing' is the most common scam used by hackers. Phishing is a scam that tricks you into giving your email address and password to an online scammer. Phishing is not new  – in fact, Phishing is the most common type of online attack and has been for years, but despite how long scam emails have been around, people still frequently fall victim to them. The complexity of Phishing scams is ever-increasing, so knowing how to spot phishing emai...
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Published by: WJPS

James, our MD, was welcomed into Bedale High School to speak with their current Year 9 and 10 students as part of their ‘Work Ready Week’. James, joined by numerous other professionals from a wide range of industries attended the school on Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th of July to inspire the students. A number of different activities, including mock job interviews, put the students through their paces and generally provide them with a clear insight into the ...
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Published by: WJPS

Eve, our work experience student from Richmond School, is finishing off her time with us today following an insightful and enjoyable week.  This week Eve has sampled a taste of life in the office and experienced all aspects of the work we do- from Office Management tasks with Jo, Source Control and Collaborative Development with Steven, to learning about the Installation Processes with Toby. Eve has also sat in on demos with James of both our MRS Web and EBM software, ...
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Published by: WJPS

Bedale TC has had a website with us for a long time, and as their council is so large with so many different responsibilities, the site had become dated and quite daunting to navigate. As the site has been in use for a long time, some of their content was out of date, or just needed updating. The site was also not utilising some of WCS'' great features, as they were not released when their site was first built! The Council Staff were keeping the site well, but felt that ...
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Published by: WJPS

It is hard to believe that it has already been 3 months since our first WCS Quarterly Newsletter was sent out, and now its already time for the next one!  We hope our last newsletter was informative and helpful for our users, and we welcome any feedback.  This quarter has been jam packed with projects, news, and office updates- all to be included in our Summer 2022 newsletter instalment, which is to be emailed out later this week.  We hope that starting a quarterly N...
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Published by: WJPS

Our customer support desk offers clients the opportunity to leave feedback on their experience once their query is complete. Users are given the option to rate their support experience, and if they wish they can write a few words to explain their rating. This is not only a good way of opening another line of communication between us and our clients, but it also helps us see what we are doing well, and what may need improvement.  Each quarter our support desk gives us a rundown of th...
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Published by: WJPS

Bedale Community Minibus (BCM) approached WJPS looking for a full site overhaul from our Web Consultation Service. They felt that their site was not as easy to navigate as it could be, and as a charity offering a service to the community, usability was a priority. The site is only small, so it fit under our 'Small Site Overhaul' service, for £150.  Reusable Content By utilising our 'Add Ons', we created reusable content to display on every pag...
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Published by: WJPS

Steven, our lead developer, has enrolled on a master’s degree Apprenticeship done as a collaboration between QA and Northumbria University.  QA is one of the UK’s leading tech training organisations. They provide training services helping individuals and companies further their tech knowledge and work towards qualifications. Steven is undertaking the Digital & Technology Specialist course, choosing to specialise in Software Engineering. The course is a level 7 post gra...
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Published by: WJPS

All hospitals have emergency boxes, or 'Crash Boxes' spread across departments. These are in case anyone needs urgent care, and is unable to be moved across the hospital.  "Any environment in which a patient may unexpectedly experience a medical emergency needs to have the equipment to deal with that emergency efficiently. That’s the job of a crash cart. A crash cart contains the equipment and medications that would be required to treat a patient in the first...
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Published by: WJPS

Towards the latter half of 2021, we ran a Web Consultation for Aiskew & Leeming Bar PC. This included a full site overhaul, undertaking tasks such as streamlining their site with the goal of making monthly updates as easy as possible, maximising usability, running full accessibility checks and bringing the site up to WCAG 2.1 AA standard, and optimising their sites SEO. Along with this, we also spent time making sure their site was visibly pleasing, and easy to navigate. We a...
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Published by: WJPS

Passwords protect your electronic accounts and devices from unauthorized access, keeping your information safe.  A strong password is a unique one. If you use a password over and over again, you run the risk of the password being leaked from one service, and subsequently all your accounts could be compromised. Using different passwords for each account you make means if one is leaked, you don't need to go and update them all! Coming up with a system ...
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Published by: WJPS

Traditionally when installing MRS for an NHS Trust, they provide us with server space to install it onto. This means that that NHS Trusts IT department are responsible for the connections to and from the server, therefore are responsible for making sure the server is running and up to date. Many NHS Trusts now have a ‘Cloud First Policy,’ meaning that if something can be hosted on the cloud securely, it should be. By moving MRS to ‘the cloud’, they are moving the r...
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Published by: WJPS

Morton-on-Swale PC approached WJPS late last year looking for an upgrade to their current website. They were looking for an accessible and compliment site to display the Parish Council documents, events, and information, that could also be used for their village hall, to display information about the groups and classes taking place at the hall. They wanted a clean, user friendly, and quick to update website which could be used by all members of the council an...
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Published by: WJPS

What is Accessibility? The main goal of Web Accessibility Standards is so it is easy for everyone to access information from your site, including people with  Impaired vision Learning disabilities Motor difficulties Cognitive impairments Deafness or impaired hearing Why is Accessibility Important? 20% of people in the UK have some kind of disability. Many sites hold information that no other sites contain- especially government body sites (Town or Parish Co...
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Published by: WJPS

What is Alt Text?  Alt Text (Alternative Text) is an accessibility must. Images help us break up text on a website, and they help us tell a story. Whether they are images illustrating your text, or the main event on the page, they are important elements on our websites. People using screen readers to dictate the page to them, often miss out on important bits of information as their screen reader can not view and translate an image. Alt-Text is a short, simple description of an ima...
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Published by: WJPS

  News stories can often be difficult to write. Knowing what content is relevant, and how to make the story easy to understand can sometimes feel like a lot of pressure- so we have compiled a list of Dos and Don’ts for writing your news stories!   Don't Just Post an Image - If you have media like a poster, or leaflet, it can be tempting to post it as its own news story with no text. For accessibility, this is a don't.. Accessibilit...
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Published by: WJPS

2022 marks the start of our new Web Communication System Newsletter! The Newsletter will be quarterly, and distributed via email.  The WCS Newsletter - Spring 2022 edition will be emailed out at the end of March, and will include everything from Customer Feedback and Development Updates, to Answers to FAQs, Reviews, and Updates straight from the WJPS Office! We hope that starting a quarterly Newsletter will help us open wider lines of commu...
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Published by: WJPS

Time has flown by, and today marks Bee's six months at WJPS. Some may remember our Meet Bee news story, after 6 months, Bee has re-answered some of the same questions, and a few new ones. Who are you? Hello! I'm Bee, I am the Customer Support Advisor here at WJPS! What does your job role involve & where would you like to take it? Here at WJPS it is my job to know everything there is to know about our products- this enables me to be the first point of contact for ...
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Published by: WJPS

What are Meta Tags? Meta Tags are key words & snippets of text used by search engines like Google and Bing to show the most relevant search results. Essentially, Meta Tags describe what is on your web page, so when someone searches for something related to your page, the search engine pushes you closer to the top of the search results. Why Should I use Meta Tags? . Most people when looking for information online will only look at the first 5 search results from a search engine. ...
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Published by: WJPS

As of our last update, WCS users can now display their three most recent news stories on the homepage of their site. Our News feature has always proved popular, it is fantastic for keeping site visitors up to date with everything from big projects to meeting updates.  Considering the popularity of our News feature, we have added a new way to display your three most recent news stories on your homepage!  The new display will use the colour scheme already selected on your site, ...
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Published by: WJPS

In February we applied for a Business Support grant to help us purchase a new server. Our request was kindly accepted by Hambleton District Council. Over the years, when we have felt the need for more server space in order to expand our capabilities and client base, we would buy another small server in order to achieve this. With this new large server, we eliminate the need for multiple small servers, allowing us to go greener and use less power while future-proofing our business, as...
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Published by: WJPS

We have updated our profiles feature! Our profiles feature is used to display information about who is involved with your organisation. In the latest update of WCS 2, we have added a new profile display style. Different organisations wish to display different information, whether that’s an address, telephone number, or profile picture, you not have the option to choose which information is displayed and which is not.  The new display has been designed to be responsiv...
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Published by: WJPS

Over the last quarter we have received some fantastic, and very kind, feedback from both our MRS and WCS customers. Our customers have access to our Support Desk, where they can add a ticket to ask questions, request support, and raise queries. Once these tickets are resolved, the customer will receive an option to rate their experience and leave feedback. Each quarter, our Support Desk gives us a run down on all the tickets we have resolved in the last quarter, and the customer feedback g...
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Published by: WJPS

With the new year- comes a new project!  As of Tuesday morning, planning for version 3 of our Web Communication System is underway. With WCS 3, we hope to improve usability, and make updating content as simple as possible. With new and improved features and a fresh new look- WCS 3 will help you deliver cleaner, easier to navigate, and even more beautiful websites. WCS 3 will also be much faster, so less time uploading documents, images, or waiting for the page to load! We are ...
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Published by: WJPS

This year we thought we’d get back to normal, and well… that didn’t happen!  This year has been another tough one for everyone- more lockdowns, working from home, and restrictions. We’ve carried on adapting the way we work and communicate and have again highlighted the benefits of using remote systems.  After another extremely difficult year, the pride we feel towards our NHS clients has only grown, they have been resilient and hard working and...
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Published by: WJPS

  For a while we have been phasing out the of our 0845 phone number, and shifting over to our main office number. So if you have us on speed dial (because, why wouldn't you?), update it too our office number!  Don't worry, if you are already used to calling our Bedale office phone number, it's still the same! We have changed this number on emails, our website and our social media, and the number we will be using is 01677 392 001.   ...
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Published by: WJPS

Over the last few weeks, we have held a couple of user groups for some of our Web Communication System (WCS) Customers.  We enjoy holding these sessions as they’re a great place to discuss and learn about many WCS features, offer ideas, and raise queries. They’re beneficial, not just for our users, but for us too, as they provide knowledge of what our customers need, and help us to curate new ideas for features and updates.  The groups are a relaxed and informal, and ...
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Published by: WJPS

For the past few weeks, the WJPS Team have been working hard on a new service we can offer our existing Web Communication System users.  We know that you want to make the most out of your site but getting back on track is hard. That’s where we come in- we run full site overhauls, help to create a streamlined updating process that works for you, and bring your site up to the highest expected accessibility levels.  Updated accessibility standards often mean that what was...
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Published by: WJPS

As some may remember, we used to send Christmas cards out each year to all of our clients, thanking them for working with us throughout the year, wishing them a fantastic Christmas, and a Very Happy New Year. This year, as we have for the last few years, we are using the money we would have spent on cards and stamps, as a donation to Northallertons Friarage Hospital Rutson Unit instead. This money will not only go towards helping the unit contin...
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Published by: WJPS

Rishi Sunak, The Chancellor of the Exchequer, has confirmed an extra £2.1billion is to go to the NHS for IT upgrades and digital health technology! This money is to go towards making the NHS’ digital technology use more efficient “so hospitals and other care organisations are as connected and efficient as possible”- resulting in staff having more time to care for patients.  “The NHS IT funding forms part of a wider £5.9billion capital funding to h...
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Published by: WJPS

Last Thursday evening was the opening of the fantastic Multi-Purpose Games Area at Bedale Church of England School. WJPS gladly donated £1000 to Bedale C of E School to go towards building The M.U.G.A , which can be used for many different sports and games, and will allow the children to have an area for sports and games made of AstroTurf that won’t get muddy in the winter.  The M.U.G.A was officially opened on the 4th of November by Ex Bedale Primary S...
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Published by: WJPS

For the final week of Cyber Security Awareness Month we have put together some answers to FAQ's about backing up your data and why regular backups are important! Why is it important to Backup your data?   We all know how annoying it is when we lose a word document before saving and having to start all over again- but what would happen if you couldn’t access any of your files at all? You seem to have lost all your data, your contacts, your files, and your documents?...
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Published by: WJPS

In recent years Accessibility Guidelines have changed, and there are now guidelines for Local Councils and other similar authorities to follow.  It is also important to have accessibility and inclusion as a priority. The Internet is a fantastic tool, and should be available to anyone, no matter their ability. What is Website Accessibility?  People have a diverse range of hearing, sight, movement, and cognitive ability, so the goal of web accessibility is to make sure ev...
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Published by: WJPS

The last 18 months has seen many of us transition from office to home working, and with positive benefits of this, comes new risks to you and your data. So this week for Cyber Security Month week 3, the WJPS team have created a guide to staying Cyber Secure at home. Working from Home As always, it is important to protect your passwords. Avoid keeping a physical copy of your passwords (written in a note pad for example,) as the loss of this may result in your accounts being c...
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Published by: WJPS

Its week two of National Cyber Security Month! This week Toby talks you through the risks and what you can do to avoid them! With so many of us using a multitude of connected devices day in day out, those with malicious intent employ a wide variety of methods that you need to look out for:  Phishing  Phishing is when a bad actor impersonates a legitimate company as a means of getting you to fill in personal information.  This is usually in the form of an em...
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Published by: WJPS

It’s National Cyber Security Month so the team here at WJPS are putting together some helpful tips and tricks so you can keep your information secure! Each week we will focus on different aspects of cyber security to help you avoid cybercrime, scams and much more.  This week James will give you a short introduction to Cyber Security and why it is important. Bee will give a list of good practices to follow, and Steven will give advice on...
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Published by: WJPS

We’re pleased to announce the latest update to WCS - WJPS Analytics, which - along with bug fixes and minor changes - is now live on all our sites. A few months ago we added basic analytics functionality to the Site Administrators Welcome Page, which shows simple information about the number of visitors your website gets over certain time periods and how long they spend on your site. With this latest update we’ve opened this up massively so you can now view in exacting deta...
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Published by: WJPS

Here at WJP Software we, like many web-based software companies, have relied on Google to provide certain complex features that would be incredibly time-consuming to produce ourselves in-house such as their Analytics and reCAPTCHA (spam prevention) products. These products are incredibly well-made and useful, but certain actions by Google in recent years have started to concern us, such as their aggressive promotion of AMP Links and more recently, their plans to implement behaviour tracking f...
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Published by: WJPS

With the government announcement that North Yorkshire will soon be a unitary council, we have been taking a look at what that means for town and parish councils and their need to communicate with their residents. North Yorkshire County Council's bid states that ‘greater powers and funding will be passed to town and parish councils, in order for them to take control of local services and facilities. Something which they term creating as a revolution in localism. This means that local...
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Published by: WJPS

Last week, James Proctor our MD went back to a couple of local schools to talk to Year 10 students about careers in IT and help with their Interview technique. He was so impressed he even came away want to give some of the students jobs there and then. He visited Northallerton School and Sixth Form and Bedale High School. Both schools had a slightly different emphasis on what they were aiming to achieve, but though a focus careers day would be good as the student couldn’t attend Work Exper...
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Published by: WJPS

Microsoft recently announced Windows 11, which promises many new features and changes to the operating system that we and our customers use every day. These features range from a new look interface in everyday tasks, to behind the scenes changes such as much improved security. As with any Windows release, WJPS have the responsibility to ensure our software continues to function as intended. We have been awaiting the developer preview of Windows 11 from Microsoft, and we have finally got our h...
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Published by: WJPS

At WJP Software, we are always trying to improve the accessibility features of WCS. Last week James attended the Accessibility Festival and learnt some new and interesting facts about accessibility for websites which he wanted to share. One of the interesting quotes was “Why are we still talking about web accessibility? It’s been around for 30 years.” It jumped out at James, as it is something that a lot of people are suddenly latching onto. It’s always been ther...
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Published by: WJPS

This year the Yorkshire Local Council Association (YLCA) is taking its training conference online on the 21st and 22nd of April 2021. All at WJP Software Ltd ( WJPS) are delighted to be taking part in this event as an exhibitor and speaker! Our aim is to showcase our bespoke software system which is perfect for the Parish/Town Council set up, to create flexible, secure and easy to use websites. We have focused our system to be full accessible as the law now requires and enables cou...
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Published by: WJPS

WJPS are happy to introduce two brand new features to our Web Communication System:   New Welcome Page including Analytics WCS’s User Welcome Page is the first thing members of your site will see after logging in, and has now been totally redesigned to highlight important information tailored to the logged in user. Newly added content such as Documents, Events and News Stories are flagged for their attention, and the customizable welcome message is now much more promine...
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Published by: WJPS

A Year On....

It’s been a year since we were last onsite at an NHS Trust. It has also been a year since the WJPS team were last together in the office. However, that hasn’t stopped the business moving forward - the team and our clients have adapted to a new way of working.   We always believed that we could provide an excellent service remotely – be that a demo, training or installation. With a Health and Social Care Network (HSCN) connection, we can easily access customer servers...
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Published by: WJPS

James, our managing director got a very exciting email last week, to say that he had successfully completed his Chartered Information  Technology Professional (CITP) status again. The is a scheme run by the British Computing Society (BCS) and is  industry recognition  that James is working at and above Level 5 of the Skills Framework for the Information Age (SFIA) within his chosen specialism of Solutions Development and Implementation. This simply means that his IT skil...
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Published by: WJPS

MRS 3 Launch

Version 3 of our Microbiological Report System (MRS) has been released with many improvements. 3 Trusts are currently going through the validation of this system and we hope the start using it a real-world environment in a couple of weeks. Although it has been talked about for a while its finally here, and we have rolled two products that help record and trend environmental monitoring and ad-hoc tests into one product. Meaning that users can easily take advantage of these extra features. We h...
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Published by: WJPS

Well better late than never! This year has been a strange year with a lot more time spent in the office, little or no travel and the opportunity to highlight the benefits of using remote systems such as MS Teams. Our clients – who we have always been in awe of but even more so this year – have been stretched beyond belief but in some way we hope that we have been able to support them through our software (and, also, chocolate). The use of remote tools has benefited us. For a wh...
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Published by: WJPS

Documentation is sometimes thought of as one of the least interesting parts of software development and is often a neglected aspect of the process. Otherwise excellent suites of software are often let down by poor quality or incredibly threadbare manuals that make them frustrating to use. Here at WJP Software, I (Tobias) am on a mission to go through and overhaul our existing software documentation, starting with our Web Communication System. The team did a great job with it, but through my n...
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Published by: WJPS

Introduction Hi, I'm Steven, the Lead Developer at WJP Software Limited. The 7th of December 2020 marks 5 years since James hired me (probably reluctantly) as a Junior Developer, and I thought it would be a great opportunity to reflect on the past 5 years. From my perspective, I will look at: How far WJPS has come in that time?  How far I have come in that time?  And what is to come over the next 5 years?   Company Progression & Achievem...
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Published by: WJPS

Meet Tobias

Meet Tobias the newest member of staff, who will be helping with support queries. Tell us about yourself I recently returned to the UK after living in Taiwan for a while to undertake a personal photography project I’d been wanting to do for a long time. Before that I worked within North Yorkshire County Council’s Payroll division doing Customer Support and Data Processing (both highly relevant for my current role!) and going further back in time worked within (and eventually...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited, has been shortlisted in the category of User-led Innovation and Experience award at the national Health Tech Awards 2020 for its Microbiological Reporting Software (MRS). MRS is currently in use by over 50% of NHS Trusts – including the whole of the North of England - who have a pharmacy or radio pharmacy clean room and assists in Laboratories from setting up a standardised process of entering environmental monitoring data. The Health Tech Awards celebrate gre...
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Published by: WJPS

Alex, our Student Placement Developer, will leave WJP Software this week returning to Northumbria University having enhanced the professional and technical skills which he learned on his Computer Science degree whilst, like many of us, spending 6 months working from home has given him a host of other skills. His role, which he started in July 2019, has included dealing with support issues and fixing changes through coding whilst also developing some of our important products. Alex said &ls...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software recently launched QC North West NHS Pharmacy Lab’s new website using its web communication system.   The system, which is used by over 30 organisations ranging from NHS Pharmacy Labs and specialist interest groups as well as Town and Parish Councils, offers a complete website solution including design, support, and content management system. It, also, offers clients the opportunity to manage and share documents in a safe but easy to use manner.   ...
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Published by: WJPS

Today we were due to launch MRS 3 to our current clients at the DoubleTree Hilton, Manchester Piccadilly. But circumstances beyond everyone’s control has postponed that, so whilst our amazing NHS and private healthcare clients battle round the clock Covid-19, we have been quietly getting on with further improving MRS 3, so when ‘normality’ returns we are ready to install, validate and launch our reporting and trending software in Lab.   In November 2019, at ...
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Published by: WJPS

Stockton Quality Control Laboratory, based at North Tees Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, has recently purchased WJP Software Ltd.’s Error Reporting System. The web-based system allows clients to collect data via a dedicated website. The software automatically collates and trends the data. Reports currently generated by the system include: Factors leading to errors Licensed status Product category Potential outcome Error type Severity Unit errors Alongside this...
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Published by: WJPS

As a software development company, WJP Software Limited takes pride in using the most up to date and relevant ways to communicate and support current and potential clients. This means offering the opportunity to use remote communication to deliver demos and to support issues that may arise. This has allowed the business to use its time and that of its clients' time more efficiently, but also to reduce our Carbon Footprint. In light of the time we are currently in, when the Government...
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Published by: WJPS

When dealing with a host of data, or if more than an individual can access the data, then the overall accuracy, completeness, and consistency are key. This is because the data needs to be reliable no matter how long it is stored or how often it is accessed. All of WJP Software Ltd products have data integrity at the heart because the solution they are providing our NHS clients are integral to patient safety. Our Emergency Box Management system provides the latest technology to provide users ...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited implemented its Environmental Monitoring Trending and Reporting software, MRS, in Nottingham University Hospital (NUH) NHS Trust last week. They join just under 50 NHS Trusts including 4 Regional Quality Control Laboratory using the software. Sitting within the Pharmacy Quality Control Laboratory, MRS will offer NUH the opportunity to make evidence-based decisions when narrowing down on touchpoints offering a route cause analysis when trending and reporting on their clean...
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Published by: WJPS

At a recent NHS Pharmaceutical Aseptic Services Group (PASG) meeting, WJP Software’s Managing Director, James Proctor, presented an update of the National Aseptic Error Reporting Scheme software which is being developed to replace the current system of manual spreadsheets. The web-based system will see data collected via a dedicated website, also, hosted by WJP Software, with each Trust entering data. The software will automatically be collated and trended. During the presentation, Jame...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited has announced that their in house Microbiological Reporting System (MRS) will be implemented in GenesisCare, the world's leading specialist private cancer provider. GenesisCare will go live with MRS in their centre in Windsor and becomes the first private healthcare provider to use the system. The software, which is a bespoke specialist system for Pharmacy and Radio Pharmacy units, is already used by just under 50% of NHS Quality Control and Aseptic Labs throughout th...
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Published by: WJPS

Our 2020 Microbiological Reporting System National User Group will take place on Wednesday 20th May at DoubleTree Hilton, Manchester Piccadilly between 11.00 am and 3.00 pm. The user group will launch MRS 3 focusing on the changes and improvements that were discussed at the 2018 user group. Alongside workshops on subjects such as validation and a customer's perspective of MRS, attendees will also hear from Anne Black and Linda Hardy (TBC), Regional QA Specialist Pharmacist and there will ...
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Published by: WJPS

At the 2018 National User Group, a session entitled called ‘Your Ideas’ was held which gathered feedback on what our customers wanted to see incorporated or changed within MRS to enhance the system. The following two years have involved the development of MRS and we are pleased to announce that several of these ideas have been added with a few still under development. Below list the original ideas and how they have been included in the system You said: Save halfway through ...
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Published by: WJPS

Recently The Kings Fund produced a document entitled Clicks and Mortar: Technology and NHS Estates which discusses how the developments in technology can affect NHS Estates departments. They state that development in technology within the NHS has the potential to deliver an estate that is better for patients and staff, smarter and more integrated. The paper states technology and the physical estate are both critical to delivering the changes required in health and care and the opportunit...
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Published by: WJPS

2019 saw two firsts for our flagship product, the Microbiological Reporting System (MRS). The first was it launching across Wales as a whole country approach, which saw 8 Health Boards and NHS Wales working as an all Wales initiative fitting with their collaborative approach to technical services. Over the coming months, NHS Wales will be validating the system to use it to its full potential. The second was our first private healthcare company coming on board. ...
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Published by: WJPS

A response to the Environmental Monitoring meets Sterility testing Cleanroom Technology article.  A current article in Cleanroom Technology, entitled Environmental monitoring meets sterility testing, discusses ‘quality control, is of the utmost important; requiring a combination of tests; protocols and validated processes to minimise risk to public health’. It further states that ‘an Environmental Monitoring programme must focus on collecting data consistently a...
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Published by: WJPS

April 2020 will see the launch of MRS3 for all our clients, therefore, in the lead-up and with the QA Symposium 2019 looming we thought we would take a look at where it all began and how the system has developed to become a leading software solution throughout the UK to Aseptic Labs within the NHS. Where did it all begin? We have to go way back to when our Managing Director, James Proctor, was still at Scarborough Sixth Form College, studying for his A-Levels including Computer Science. A...
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Published by: WJPS

April 2020 will see the launch of MRS 3 for all our clients, therefore, in the lead-up and with the QA Symposium 2019 looming we thought we would take a look at where it all began and how the system has developed to become a leading software solution throughout the UK to Aseptic Labs within the NHS. Where it all began? We have to go way back to when our Managing Director, James Proctor, was still at Scarborough Sixth Form College, studying for his A-Levels including Computer Science. As p...
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Published by: WJPS

In a recent Health Science Journal (1st November 2019), it was highlighted that NHS Trusts will be forced to demonstrate the safety and efficiency of their estates and facilities services in plans drawn up by NHS England Improvement. According to the article, Trusts Estates departments will be required to reveal how they manage and comply with policies under issues such as water systems, under a growing backlog maintenance bill. It is expected that NHS England and Improvements chiefs are plan...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Ltd has been working with Leeds Teaching Hospital’s (LTH) Environmental and Water Testing Lab within the Microbiology Department (which sits within Pathology) to develop an Environmental Water Testing System. The system is used to monitor the results of any water tests carried out by the Trusts Estates team and will show basic trends and act as a reminder for users if they have any exceptional results which need closing. The technology developed an end to end solution...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software (WJPS) Limited have been working with NHS Wales to implement their Microbiological Reporting System (MRS) across 7 Health Boards and 5 Public Health Laboratory’s which sees a whole country approach. NHS Wales have been keen on progressing the system for several years and thanks to a Welsh Government Grant it has finally been realised. The software will allow EL Auditors to access standardised data and reports across the country while make the whole process of data entry an...
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Published by: WJPS

In order to offer a more improved customer experience, WJP Software will be moving their helpdesk to Freshdesk over the coming months. The new system offers users:   The ability to track tickets offering customers the ability of seeing the progress of their issues and who is working on them meaning customer can contact the relevant person directly   The opportunity to access self-help guides so that customers can fix issues themselves   The chance to...
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Published by: WJPS

Our First University placement student returns to Northumbria University with a host of skills and experiences.  Sam started at WJPS as a Student Developer in August 2018 working on a yearlong placement at WJPS Ltd as part of his Computer Science degree at Northumbria University. His role included dealing with support issues and fixing changes through coding. Sam said "I chose WJPS for my placement year because I didn’t want to go to a large company where I would have b...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited are pleased to announce that we have received Cyber Essentials Certification for our infrastructure and hosted services. Alongside our ISO:27001 Information Security, this goes to show that we are committed to data security. Managing Director, James Proctor said ‘we have worked hard to ensure WJPS and all systems comply with the latest data security processes meaning that we look after data in safe way. This latest certificate proves we are committed to data sec...
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Published by: WJPS

A recent development and new set of features have just been created to sit alongside our Microbiological Reporting System. The project currently called Additional Features is a positive step in moving our MRS product toward a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The new features include Test, Incubation, Kits and External Services management as well as a set of Media Management tools which allow you to manage Customers, Suppliers, Products, Batches including release management, a...
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Published by: WJPS

WJPS has been working alongside students from Bedale High School to provide the Bedale Bike Bonanza website which is the local go to site for information on the Bedale finish of the Tour De Yorkshire which takes place on Friday 3rd May. The site, which was donated via Bedale Town Council, uses the WJPS Web Communication System (WCS), allows community groups to develop a custom styled bespoke website which is easy for users to update with little or no web training at a cost effective price...
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Published by: WJPS

2018 has been a busy year with lots of new Clients and working with existing clients as well. The year started with the office expanding. We now have two offices in Bedale Hall next to each other and there was even an arch way connecting them which made joining them even easier. The expansion was to house new staff, but it has given us room for conference and break out facilities. Going forward I am sure this space will also be used for more desks. We had two new membe...
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Published by: WJPS

Development of MRS 3 is going well and we hope its due for release mid 2019. There are a lot of improvements to make it better. Here are just a few of them. Improved Room Editor The room editor has been updated and will now support Grades for plates, room versioning with modifiable alert limits, GMP compliant request for analysis forms and better plate session support. This is all presented in a more user friendly experience that will streamline the room creating process. Better Book ...
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Published by: WJPS

As with the last few years we will be attending the QA Symposium 2018 with our good friends at Stockton Quality Control Laboratory. This year we will be on stand 33, which is in the left hand corner. If you would like to discuss Microbiological Reporting System (MRS) 2.5 or your move to version 3, Additional Features (AF), our Emergency Box System (EBM) then please pop over where James or Rebecca will be happy to help you.

Published by: WJPS

As always 2017 has been a chock-full year. We have seen lots of new customers including Sheffield Teaching Hospitals, East and North Herts NHS Trusts, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, The Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust and Barts Health NHS Trust to mention a few. We have also welcomed two new team members Stephen Bishop and Lee Jones. There have been many updates to our products too. A few of these are a Web Based Drug Shortages System, Product Test Modules in MRS AF and Page Versions on...
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Published by: WJPS

The NHS Pharmaceutical Aseptic Services Group (PASG) are celebrating their 25 year anniversary this month. Having begun as a small group of hospital pharmacists in 1992, the following 25 year journey has seen PASG undergo several name changes but their remit to develop good practice pharmacy guidelines via shared experiences remains the same. The commitment and conscientiousness of the group has allowed them to develop into the leading authority on matters relating to aseptic and technical s...
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Published by: WJPS

James and the WJPS stand are ready for visitors. Head over to chat about MRS 2.5 and our latest developments - and check out our new freebies!

Published by: WJPS

Tomorrow is the start of the 2017 QA Symposium…. James will be on the WJP Software Stand (lucky) 13 on Tuesday 7th & Wednesday 8th November. If you are going this year head to Stand 13 to have a chat about MRS 2.5 and Additional Features, the topics up for discussion at our next national user group, upcoming developments in 2018 and of course our new WJPS pens…  

Published by: WJPS

We are getting ready to attend the NHS Quality Assurance Symposium for Technical Services to be held on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th November 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Chester, CH1 2BD. James hopes lots of you will drop by to see him at the WJP Software Limited stand. And as always there’s plenty of reasons to visit: See a demo of MRS 2.5 and Additional Features with an opportunity discuss how it would integrate into your laboratory environment. Find out more a...
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Published by: WJPS

We are very pleased to announce that WJPS has again achieved the internationally recognised standards ISO 9001and ISO 27001. WJPS was assessed by the leading certification body, the British Assessment Bureau and has demonstrated ongoing high standards in our commitment to customer service and quality in delivery. ISO 9001:2015 relates to quality management and streamlining procedures, bringing consistency to service delivery whilst helping to reduce costs. ISO 27001:2013 relates to informa...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited are pleased to announce that our NHS Information Governance Toolkit Assessment has now been reviewed and deemed satisfactory. This means we have achieved full compliance with the NHS information governance regulations – achieving a score of 100%. Our IG Toolkit Report Results can be viewed online at the NHS IG Toolkit website. To find our report on the website go to Reports and where prompted enter WJP Software Limited.  The scores will also be available as part o...
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Published by: WJPS

2016 has been another busy year for WJP Software Limited (WJPS) with lots of new and exciting projects. The year started with us building a couple of websites based on our Web Communication System for local organisations. Bedale Town Council needed a site that was not only public facing, but also a place for document management. While Mashamshire Show needed a site to help publicise their annual show, we have continued to work the Mashamshire and are currently writing a show management interface...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited will be attending the NHS Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance and Technical Services Symposium 2016 on the 20th and 21st September in Chester, a highlight event for many of our NHS client. As part of our attendance we will have a trade stand and be presenting a talk on electronic trending. The theme of the symposium will be "Addressing the challenges of new guidance." to co-inside with the release of the fifth edition of the Quality Assurance of Aseptic Preparati...
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Published by: WJPS

Over the last couple of months WJP Software Limited (WJPS) have been working with Stockton Quality Control Laboratory (SQCL) to develop a short video that explains the process an Environmental Monitoring Plate goes through from Exposure to Results Release. It shows the best practice in terms of packaging plates to send to labs, and all the checks that should be done with plates before exposing them. The video also shows our Microbiological Reporting System in use, and how it aids ...
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Published by: WJPS

We are very pleased to announce that WJPS has achieved the internationally recognised standard ISO 27001. This independent assessment was conducted by the leading certification body, the British Assessment Bureau and demonstrates our commitment to customer service and quality in delivery. ISO 27001 focuses on information security management and is designed to help establish and maintain an effective information management system, using a continual improvement approach. This standard impl...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited are proud to announce that our Managing Director, James Proctor, has received Chartered IT Professional Status (CITP) from the British Computing Society. This industry recognition demonstrates James’ understanding of how information technology can add value to the industries we work within through the use of technology. To achieve the recognition James had to show that he works at and above Level 5 of the Skills Framework for the Informatio...
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Published by: WJPS

We have been working with the Quality Control North West (QCNW) team now for a number of years on different projects, and are pleased to announce our latest project - a new QCNW website which has gone live this week. The QCNW website needed to provide the team and their customers with much more than just an appealing, easy to use web presence. They wanted a web based system that would keep their customers and staff up to date with procedures and changes. The WJPS Portal ...
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Published by: WJPS

Since our last MRS user group meeting in July 2015 we have been busy working with key users to draw up a specification for the latest version of MRS. Having approved the specification in October 2015 we have been busy developing and validating the product, and are aiming for a March 2016 launch. The new version of MRS brings a range of improvements, including extending the web reporting functionality, so users can create their own plate groupings in reports, the addition of alert and identificat...
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Published by: WJPS

As its the start of a new year we felt it was time to overhaul and drastically update our web site. Having one of our products as the WJPS Portal, we thought it was only sensible to base the website on this platform, to help show how versatile the product is, and highlight some of its great features. In doing this we managed to add a few new features to the portal too. We hope this helps show our passion and dedication to keeping the product range updated, and also how much we value the product ...
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Published by: WJPS

We're moving again. Due to a great year so far we are further expanding the team, and therefore in need of a larger office. Thanks to Bedale Hall for being accommodating and managing to find us a larger office, just round the corner from our old office. Bedale Hall is a great location for an office, only a couple of minute walk from the high street in Bedale, with its own car park, overlooking Bedale Park and home to numerous business's and organisations. We hope to have the new office u...
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Published by: WJPS

WJP Software Limited are proud to announce that we have achieved the internationally recognised ISO9001 standard. In order to gain this we were independently assessed by the British Assessment Bureau who proved that we demonstrate commitment to customer service and quality in delivery. WJP Software Limited has now earned the right to display the coveted British Assessment Bureau 9001 certification mark to demonstrate its conformance to the standard, as well as the highly sort after UKAS certi...
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Published by: WJPS