WJPS Visit Ainderby Steeple School

On Thursday 17th November James and Toby visited Ainderby Steeple School with the objective of teaching the upper key stage 2 students some basic coding skills for web development. The students were taught the basics of HTML and CSS, and got the opportunity to use it in practice throughout the lesson. 

To start with, the pupils were taught some simple HTML & CSS skills, like how to add headings, links, change the colours of the text and backgrounds, and adding images. 

The kids started with a plain page of text, and a list of tasks to complete. Their first task was to add the background and text colour, they had a great time experimenting with colour combinations to find which ones worked the best, and were the easiest to read. 


The students experimented with where to position the images on the page and decided that it worked the best with the logo at the top, and the Headteacher at the bottom of the page. The end goal was to have a fully formatted, colourful page. Once the colours were set, the students were tasked with adding the schools logo to the page, followed by a photograph of their Headteacher.

The kids had great fun changing the colours and using their new-found knowledge to experiment beyond the bounds of the lesson (cue many eclectic colour schemes!). Everyone seemed to really enjoy the lesson and by the end, several students were already hatching plans to develop their own websites in future!

Offering students the opportunity to take part in computing / ICT lessons is important. ICT encourages development in attention to detail skills, and helps build confidence, creativity, and imagination.

We are happy to have offered our time for the students lesson, and are looking forward to going back to the school next year to further the students Web Development knowledge! 

Published: 28/11/2022 Published by: WJPS

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