WJP Software Ltd responds to recent Health Science Journal article highlighting mandatory estates safety checks

In a recent Health Science Journal (1st November 2019), it was highlighted that NHS Trusts will be forced to demonstrate the safety and efficiency of their estates and facilities services in plans drawn up by NHS England Improvement.

According to the article, Trusts Estates departments will be required to reveal how they manage and comply with policies under issues such as water systems, under a growing backlog maintenance bill. It is expected that NHS England and Improvements chiefs are planning on including the NHS Premises Assurance Model (PAM) in the NHS Standard Contract meaning it will become mandatory for Estates and Facilities teams rather than, as they currently are, used as a checklist.

How can WJP Software Ltd help?

Recently WJP Software Limited has been working with Leeds Teaching Hospital’s (LTH) Estates and Pathology Infection Teams to develop an Environmental Water Testing (EWT) System which aims to monitor the results of any water tests carried out. The software solution uses end to end technology with a web interface that allows results in either a global or user-specific format and acts as a reminder for users if they have any exceptional results which need closing. With NHS PAM ultimately being about measuring compliance and providing assurance in these areas, the EWT software allows the Trust to do just this whilst also measuring distance travelled. This means departments can look back historically and chart progress, therefore, allowing the LTH Estates and Facilities team a system that evidences their compliance with their policies in line with the PAM.

If your Estates and Facilities Department would like to find out more about how our EWT system could support your needs, contact us, to book a demo.


Published: 05/11/2019 Published by: WJPS

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