Be Creative, Write a Blog Post!

It's Creativity Day (well, maybe only in America), but we are taking this opportunity to give you some reasons why you should use the Blogging / News Story feature on your website!

There are many reasons to take advantage of the blog feature on your website- not only does frequent posting boost Search Engine Optimisation, it also helps your site visitors see that you are active on your site, as well as gives you a creative outlet, what more could you want? 

It is important to take time to be creative, not only can it reduce stress and anxiety, but it can improve cognitive function and enhance problem-solving skills. A News Story or Blog post does not have to be long or complicated, it can be as little as 2 sentences and a picture- but the benefits can be endless! 

Lady sat at a laptop typing

Here's our top 5 reasons to write News Stories and Blog posts!

  1. Increase Website Traffic
    Blogging can help increase your website's visibility in search engines and drive more traffic to your website. If you publish a story about activities in your local area, it will show up in the search results of anyone looking for things to do- this will drive traffic to your website, and they may even stay on your site and look at more of your content!
  2. Establish Yourself as an Expert
    By writing news stories related to your niche, you can showcase your knowledge and position your website as a reliable source. For example, if you have extensive knowledge of web accessibility, sharing it can help establish you as a trusted expert that site users return to repeatedly. You are the expert of your company- so creating content can serve as an effective means to educate your audience about your products or services. By offering information that explains the value of your products or services, potential customers can gain a better understanding of what you offer.
  3. Social Media Content
    Sometimes you can go through quiet periods where it is a struggle to come up with new social media content- blogging provides content for your social media channels, helping to keep them active and engaging for your followers. Not only does it give you content to post, it also helps create a bridge for your social media followers to get to your website.
  4. Blogging helps with link building.
    Google's SEO algorithm takes into account 200 different factors when ranking websites. Many experts claim that backlinks are one of the most crucial factors in Search Engine Optimisation. As well as being one of the most important factors, inbound links are one of he most difficult things to achieve. By writing articles that contain valuable content, other sites are more likely to link their site visitors to your article, helping you build a catalogue of external links. 
  5. It helps you share company news.
    Lighthearted updates from the office, such as the addition of new equipment, promotions, achievements, new hires, award nominations and customer case studies can help you show potential customers that you are not all sales driven, and that their is a person behind the business! It is important to strike a balance between providing updates that are informative and engaging, while also respecting customers' time and attention.

For tips on how best to write and format your News Stories, See Writing a News Story - The Dos and Don'ts

Published: 29/05/2023 Published by: WJPS

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